Grief and Loss Are Universal

Not many of us will get through life without experiencing loss and the grief that follows.

But the common, shared nature of grief doesn’t always make it easier to handle, does it? In fact, I’d say that’s pretty rare.

Grief is a normal and expected reaction to various kinds of loss. You might be struggling with the loss of:

  • A loved one;
  • A child or young relative;
  • A significant relationship, like a marriage or partnership;
  • A beloved pet;
  • Health or physical ability; or
  • Your perceived identity after job instability or another major life transition.

You might find yourself grieving the loss of the life you knew before a trauma or a loved one’s serious medical diagnosis.

Maybe you’ve reached a point in your life where you’ve found a dream you’ve held dear seems less likely to happen someday—this can be a reason for grief, too.

Loss can come in many different forms. And no matter which one you’re experiencing, grief can be an overwhelming thing to face on our own.

Dandelion blowing in the sun representing grief and loss counseling in NY and NJ

Grief and Loss: What to Expect

When you’re experiencing grief and loss, you can expect to feel a wide range of emotions.

Woman holding back in pain, experiencing the physical symptoms of grief

You might struggle with anger or irritability, depression, and extreme sadness. Your short-term memory might suffer, and you can find yourself “zoning out” quite a bit.

Physical symptoms are common, too—a lack of energy, for example, head- and stomach aches, and an increased need for sleep.

You could very well find yourself with an overloaded nervous system, complete with strong feelings of anxiety and difficulties maintaining your daily routine.

This is because grief can truly shock our entire system. It can bring us to a grinding halt, struggling to make sense of a new reality.

And while there’s often no way out but through, we don’t have to go through it alone.

How Grief Counseling Can Help

Grief and loss are very much individual experiences. Exactly what you’re facing and how you feel about it is unique to you and your specific situation.

So while there are exceptionally valuable books and other resources out there, it can be hard to find the right path for healing on your own—especially when you’re in the midst of such a strong, overpowering emotion as grief.

Grief and loss therapy—or grief counseling—is a way to process your experience with a guide who is invested in you and your wellbeing.

When you seek grief counseling, you’re entering a safe, supportive space where there are no expectations that you’re simply “okay,” and there’s no timetable for your healing.

How We Can Work Together in Grief Counseling

As an experienced grief counselor, I welcome the opportunity to help you through this difficult time—no matter what’s happened or what “stage” of grief you’re in.

I understand that healing isn’t linear. You’ll have days that feel okay and days that are challenging.

And that’s okay. I’m here not to wave a magic wand, but to help guide you on your journey and help you develop the coping skills you’ll need to keep going.

Woman on a path towards acceptance after grief and loss counseling in NJ and NY

“All therapy is grief work. A process of confronting a life where you expect one thing and get another.”
~ Edith Eger

Online Grief Counseling in New Jersey, New York & Florida

I provide online grief and loss therapy in New Jersey, New York and Florida for individuals—adolescents and adults—and families coping with loss.

I’m passionate about working with you as a team in an encouraging, empowering setting to explore your options for moving forward…

So you can thrive, even as you cope with grief and loss.

Ready to work together?