Sometimes, you can’t simply shake it off.

Sometimes, the things that happen in our lives stick with us for longer than we wish they would.

As much as we’d like to shrug our shoulders and move on, we can’t always do that quite so easily.

If that’s the case for you, I want you to know that it’s normal. It might feel heavy or hard to bear, but traumatic experiences come in all shapes and sizes.

And they can impact us profoundly.

Trauma comes in many forms.

We’ve all had difficult experiences, and we’ve all needed to work through them at different points in our lives.

But some of us have had traumatic experiences—ones that have changed the way we think or feel and have stuck with us for the long haul.

Traumatic experiences can come in the form of a single event, like a significant loss or an accident. They can also happen over time—when we’ve experienced an illness, abuse, or neglect, for example.

Ultimately, trauma comes with loss of a sense of control. It leaves us feeling vulnerable and afraid.

Trauma therapy can help us process our experiences and regain that sense of control over our thoughts and feelings.

How do I know if I’m experiencing symptoms of trauma?

Because emotional trauma comes in so many forms, we can find ourselves doubting if what we’ve experienced really fits the bill.

There are some telltale signs and symptoms of trauma, however, that affect many people:

  • Shock, denial, or disbelief
  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating
  • Anger, irritability, mood swings
  • Anxiety and/or panic attacks
  • Guilt, shame, self-blame
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Sadness or hopelessness
  • Feeling disconnected or numb
  • Flashbacks to the event(s), nightmares, or recurring thoughts
  • Avoidance of the people or places that remind you of what happened
  • Sleep problems—like insomnia—when trying to fall asleep or stay asleep

Trauma shows up differently in everyone, but if you’re experiencing any of the above and suspect you might need help processing something that’s happened—then you’re probably right!

Alarm clock and glass of water for someone experiencing trauma symptoms and in need of therapy in NY or NJ

What is trauma therapy?

Trauma therapy—or trauma-informed therapy—provides a safe environment in which to explore the trauma you’ve experienced and how it’s impacted your mental health and behaviors.

It’s an opportunity for me, as your therapist, to guide you through a process of discovery—what happened, how it’s impacted you over time, and what you can do to heal.

We’ll work together to help you develop the coping skills you need to move beyond your trauma, while also finding empowerment and self-compassion.

My goal is to be a guide for you in your journey.

That means I’ll personalize every single session to fit your unique needs.

It’s important to me that you feel empowered and encouraged. I want you to develop the skills that will let you thrive in your everyday life.

As we work through our sessions together, we’ll find the approach that works best for you.

What should I expect from trauma therapy?

This is a common question, and it’s a good one.

It can be uncomfortable—even upsetting—to be vulnerable about our experiences, and think about how those experiences have shaped who we are today.

Working with me in trauma therapy means you’ll have a safe environment in which to process your memories and your feelings.

By being here, reading, you’re already taking the first step toward healing from your traumatic experiences.

Plant growing through a crack in the sidewalk for healing after trauma therapy in NJ and NY
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

~ Leonard Cohen

Online Trauma Therapy in New Jersey, New York & Florida

Providing online trauma therapy allows me to see the clients who need me—regardless of how far they might be from my office.

As long as you’re in the state of New Jersey, New York or Florida, we can work together with a few simple clicks of a button!

Ready to work together?